Kissing Black and White Cats Matching Mugs Set

Adorable Heat Changing Mug for Cat Lovers

This is a fun gift idea for cat lovers who also love coffee! This cute cat mug is heat activated with a different design showing depending on if the mug is full of hot beverage or empty. If you're not yourself until you've had a cup of joe,...

Cute Cat Face Latch Hook Pillow Case Craft Kit

Cat lovers can make the most of their free time with this fun latch-hook pillow craft kit of a darling cat face in close up. The artwork features a cute orange or tan cat looking off to the side. The cat's beautiful blue eyes match the blue background....

Cat-Proof Christmas Tree Ideas

Wall-mounted tree decorations or artificial trees with extra long trunks might be a good solution for your cat-friendly home if you have trouble keeping kitty away from all of those enticing, dangly toy-like ornaments.

Halloween Decor for Cat Lovers

Get ready to share the fun of the Halloween season with cat-themed decorations and housewares. Share some cute cat lover autumn holiday season cheer with cats!